EQAO testing has been scheduled to begin next week!   The first test is scheduled to start on Tuesday, May 27th and end by Tuesday, June 3rd. The language sections (reading/writing) will be administered the first 4 days and the math sections scheduled for the following week. I always recommend a good nights sleep and a healthy breakfast to prepare them for the test. Also, please try to schedule appointments around the testing time period. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the school.


Thank you so much to the Belle River Horticulture Society for their generous gift of time and all of the materials for the student's Morhers Day gift.   They spent the morning helping the grade 3's, and the grade 4's in Mrs. Ferrones's class, plant flowers. The students had so much fun!!!  


Math homework has been assigned for Unit 10!    I have not assigned pages to be completed by a certain date. Instead, I have instructed the students to work on it at their own pace as lessons are taught at school, and possibly challenging themselves by completing homework pages on future lessons.

They have also been asked to bring in comics from a newspaper by Wednesday.  


It's Fit Week!!!!   Your child should have brought home the weeks schedule celebrating a different sport each day. (Your child is encouraged to wear baseball themed apparel on Monday....)

Also, the school track meet (grades 3-8) is this Wednesday at Belle River High School. Signed consent forms need to be returned!  


We welcome back Miss Teoderescu (Miss T) to our classroom. She will be teaching Literacy, Art, and Science as well as Literacy to Mrs. Renaud's Early Years class.


The students enjoyed making animal habitats and terrariums.   Check out the front hall of the school to see all of their beautiful work!!!!!


Both grade 3 and 4 students are having a math quiz on perimeter and area.   The grade 3's will write on Thursday and the grade 4's will write on Friday.  

No math homework in the blue duotang has been assigned for this unit. The students are expected to bring home incomplete math questions to finish.  


Mrs. Renaud's Early Years singing the Frog Song.


We say goodbye to our student teacher today.....Miss Smith has spent the last 4 weeks in our classroom teaching science to our grade 4's and fraction math to the grade 3's. we would like to wish her the best as she embarks on her teaching career!!  

Students making a food chain.

Our Van Gogh artists at work....

Miss Smith reading to Mrs. Remaud's Early Years friends.