We are half way through the EQAO testing!!!!!   Tomorrow, the students are writing the last reading and writing portion of the test. Afterwards, they will work on last years practice EQAO math booklet in preparation for Monday and Tuesdays math EQAO. I am hoping to send them home as well. Please look at their work, and initial or sign it and return it back to school by Tuesday. Thank you.


The students really enjoyed reading the novel How To Eat Fried Worms, and then compared it to the movie. They had fun eating worms, as well as the worm jello and worm pizza!!!  


Primary play day for the grade 3's is tomorrow, Wednesday June 25.

It's hard to believe the school year has come to an end. Report cards will be sent home on the last day if school. Thank you for the privilege of teaching your child. It was a great year teaching and learning with them. Have a safe and relaxing summer!!!!

Mrs. Ferrone


Students are reminded that the hot dog lunch is tomorrow, during 2nd nutrition break. Also, to end out math unit on probability, the students are allowed to bring in and play a board game.   Please ensure your child's name us on the game.


The grade 4's field trip is tomorrow!!!   We were just informed that their fields are muddy, so please send your child to school in old shoes or boots.   They were also told that they could bring a small amount of money to buy a treat.   Don't forget to pack a refillable water bottle and garbageless lunch!    Looking forward to a great day.....


It was Miss T's last day on Friday. She has spent the last month doing a fantastic job teaching literacy and science to the grade 3/4's, and literacy to the early years!   We wish her well as she starts her career as a teacher in Italy.

Take a peek at the pictures of the kids enjoying their treat from Miss T!!!!


The kids had a great time on Friday at the Essex Region Children's Water Festival. A special thanks goes to our parent volunteers, Mrs. Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. Howat, Ms Windram, Mr. Penner and Mrs. Blanco-Herrera. Take a look at the pictures of the kids....


A note was sent home today about the construction going on around Belle River Public School.   Also, due to fire regulations, the Bring Your Parent to School day that was scheduled for Friday, June 13th has been cancelled.


We have planned a field trip to The Water Festival on Friday, May 30th. Your child should have brought the consent form and a letter home yesterday. Please sign and return the form and money by Wed. May 28th. Thank you.