Students are able to write about a topic of their choice in their Daily 5. Take a look at Makayla's writing about Earth Day!


We started a new math unit on fractions last week.   It is a short unit (only 4 lessons), so no homework was assigned in the past few days. We will be having a math quiz (not a unit test) tomorrow, Friday April 25th.


As part of our Science lesson and Earth Day, we will be going outside for part of the day. Please have your child bring outdoor shoes to school on Tuesday. Happy Easter!!!🐰


The students will be learning about symmetry next week and will need to find a picture from a magazine for their art lesson.   The picture needs to be symmetrical so it can be cut in half along the line off symmetry. They are encouraged to choose a fairly simple picture since they will be drawing the other half. They have been shown samples of suitable pictures. Thank you.


We have completed unit 6 on time, money, capacity and mass. The unit test was written today and we also started unit 7 on transformational geometry.   Here are some activities you can try at home to reinforce the key math concepts.

Grade 3

Grade 4


The students enjoyed building pioneer villages and medieval towns using materials found at home and school.   They are having a quiz tomorrow, Wednesday April 2nd.   Please sign and return their folder to school as well.